Policy Configuration : Configuring Content Filter Settings

Configuring Content Filter Settings
The settings page is used to configure whether access to restricted content, sites, and features is blocked or logged, if and when users can access blocked material, and the message that is displayed when users attempt to access blocked material.
SonicWALL offers two types of content filtering and supports two third-party content filtering packages: N2H2 and Websense Enterprise. To configure filtering options for N2H2 or Websense, view the documentation that came with the software package.
IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses are accepted/displayed in the Settings page.
To configure the Content Filter settings, complete the following steps:
Click the Policies tab.
In the center pane, navigate to the Content Filter > Settings page.
Content Filter Type
SonicWALL CFS—Enables the CFS SonicWALL filtering package based on the firmware version of the SonicWALL appliance.
N2H2—To use N2H2, you must have the N2H2 software package running on a server in your network. For more information, visit www.n2h2.com.
Websense—To use Websense, you must have the Websense Enterprise software package running on a server in your network. For more information, visit www.websense.com.

If you select N2H2 or Websense, make sure to configure the appropriate filtering options. For more information, refer to N2H2 and Websense Content Filtering .
Trusted Domains
Select trusted domains from the Domain list, or add/import trusted domains by clicking the Add New Trusted Domain or Import links.
If adding a trusted domain, enter one or more domains name in the Trusted Domains field and click Add. The scheduler displays. Multiple domains should be separated by a “;” semicolon. Enter the domain name only. For example, “yahoo.com.” Do not include “http://.” Entering “yahoo.com” also allows access to www.yahoo.com, my.yahoo.com, sports.yahoo.com, and so on.
Importing a .txt file with one domain name per line is the easiest way to add multiple domains to a Trusted Domains list. Click Import... to add multiple domains from a text file.
Delete a trusted domain by selecting the check box for the trusted domain and then clicking the Delete Trusted Domain(s) link. You can also delete multiple trusted domains at one time.
Web Page to Display when Blocking
When you are finished, click Update. The scheduler displays.
CFS Settings
To enable content filtering, click Enable HTTPS Content Filtering. HTTPS content filtering is IP address and hostname based. While HTTP content filtering can do redirects to enforce authentication or provide a block page, HTTPS filtered pages are silently blocked.
Specify the number of seconds of server inactivity before traffic is blocked or allowed. This defines what action is taken if the Websense Enterprise server is unavailable. The default value for timeout of the server is five seconds, but you can enter a value between 1 and 10 seconds

Block traffic to all Web sites blocks traffic to all Web sites except Allowed Domains until the Websense Enterprise server is available.

Selecting Allow traffic to all Web sites allows traffic to all Web sites without Websense Enterprise server filtering. However, Forbidden Domains and Keywords, if enabled, are still blocked.
URL Cache
Enter the desired cache size (in KB) in the Cache Size text-field. If you are not sure of the supported range for your appliance, click the available link for the valid ranges.
Click Update.
Web Usage Consent
The consent feature allows organizations to specify computers that are always filtered and computers that are filtered by user request. This feature is popular in libraries, Internet cafes, and other public Internet systems.
Check Require Consent to require consent. Users can choose if they want filtering or not.
Enter the URL of the Web page from which users choose to enable filtering in the Consent Page URL (Optional Filtering) field. This page displays when users first attempt to access the Internet and must contain a link for choosing unfiltered access and a link for choosing filtered access. The link for unfiltered access is IPaddress/iAccept.html. The link for filtered access is IPaddress/iAcceptFilter.html. IPaddress is the LAN (WorkPort) IP address of the SonicWALL appliances.
Enter the URL of the page that displays when users choose to access the Internet without content filtering in the “Consent Accepted” URL (Filtering Off) field. This page must be accessible on the LAN (WorkPort).
Enter the URL of the page that displays when users access the Internet with content filtering enabled in the “Consent Accepted” URL (Filtering On) field. This page must be accessible on the LAN (WorkPort).
(optional) If a URL is entered in the Consent Accepted Redirect Page URL (filtering off) field, when a user accepts the terms in the Consent page and chooses to have unfiltered access, they are redirected to this URL. This page must reside on a Web server and be accessible as a URL by users on the network.
(optional) If a URL is entered in the Consent Accepted Redirect Page URL (filtering on) field, when a user accepts the terms in the Consent page and chooses to have filtered access, they are redirected to this URL. This page must reside on a Web server and be accessible as a URL by users on the network.
Mandatory IP Filtering
When a user opens a Web browser on a computer with mandatory content filtering they will be shown a consent page. Enter the URL for the consent page in the Consent Page URL (Mandatory Filtering) field. You will need to create this Web page. It usually contains an Acceptable Use Policy and a notification that violations are logged or blocked.

This Web page must reside on a Web server that is accessible as a URL by LAN (WorkPort) users. This page must also contain a link that tells the SonicWALL appliance that the user agrees to having filtering enabled. To do this, create the following link:

where IPaddress is the LAN (WorkPort) IP address of the SonicWALL appliance.
To enforce content filtering for a specific computer on the LAN, enter the IP address in the IP Addresses field of the Mandatory Filtered IP Addresses section and click Add. Up to 128 IP addresses can be entered.
When you are finished, click Update. The scheduler displays.