Creating a WAN GroupVPN

The VPN Wizard allows you to quickly configure the WAN GroupVPN to accept incoming VPN connections from a Global VPN Client.

To create a WAN GroupVPN:
Click Wizards on the top-right corner of the SonicOS management interface. The Welcome page displays.

In the Welcome page, select VPN Wizard.
Click Next. The VPN Policy Type page displays.
VPN Policy Type

In the VPN Policy Type page, select WAN GroupVPN.
Click Next. The IKE Phase 1 Key Method page displays.
IKE Phase 1 Key Method

In the IKE Phase 1 Key Method page, you select the authentication key to use for this VPN policy:
Use default key: – All Global VPN Clients automatically use the default key generated by the firewall to authenticate with the SonicWALL.
Use this preshared key: You must distribute the key to every Global VPN Client because the user is prompted for this key when connecting to the WAN GroupVPN. Specify a custom preshared key in the Use this preshared key field; a default custom key is generated by the firewall, such ECE38B6AB8188A5D,
NOTE: If you select Use this preshared key and leave the generated value as the custom key, you must still distribute the key to your Global VPN clients.
Click Next. The Security Settings page displays.
Security Settings

In the Security Settings page, you select the security settings for IKE Phase 1 and IPSEC Phase 2. You can use the default settings. If you require more specific security settings, you can adjust the WAN GroupVPN VPN policy after this wizard is completed.
DH Group: The Diffie-Hellman (DH) group are the group of numbers used to create the key pair. Each subsequent group uses larger numbers to start with. You can choose:
Group 2 (default)

The VPN uses this during IKE negotiation to create the key pair.

Encryption: This is the method for encrypting data through the VPN Tunnel. The methods are listed in order of security:
DES – The least secure, but takes the least amount of time to encrypt and decrypt.
3DES (default)
AES-256 – The most secure, but takes the longest time to encrypt and decrypt.

The VPN uses this for all data through the tunnel.

Authentication: This is the hashing method used to authenticate the key, when it is exchanged during IKE negotiation. You can choose:
SHA-1 (default)
Life Time (seconds): This is the length of time the VPN tunnel stays open before needing to re-authenticate. The default is eight hours (28800).
Click Next. The User Authentication page displays.
User Authentication

To require VPN Users to authenticate with the firewall when they connect, select the Enable User Authentication checkbox; this option is selected by default.
Selected (enable) Enable User Authentication, you must select the user group which contains the VPN users from the Authenticate User Group Object drop-down menu. The default is Trusted Users.
Deselected (disabled) Enable User Authentication, you must select an address object or address group from the Allow Unauthenticated VPN Client Access drop-down menu. The default is Firewalled Subnets.
Click Next. The Configure Virtual IP Adapter page displays.
Configure Virtual IP Adapter


The Global VPN Client has an optional virtual adapter that can obtain a special IP Address when it connects to the firewall. If this option is enabled, when a user connects, it appears that the user is on the internal X0 interface network when communicating with internal devices.

The virtual IP address can be obtained from the internal DHCP server of the firewall or from an existing DHCP server located on the firewall’s X0 interface.

Click Next. The WAN GroupVPN Configuration Summary page displays.
WAN GroupVPN Configuration Summary

The Configuration Summary page details the settings you configured for the GroupVPN.
Click Accept to complete the wizard and create your GroupVPN. A Storing Dell SonicWALL Configuration… message displays before the VPN Wizard Complete page displays.

VPN Wizard Complete

Click Close to close the wizard.

Connecting the Global VPN Clients

Remote SonicWALL Global VPN Clients install the Global VPN Client software. After the application is installed, they use a connection wizard to setup their VPN connection. To configure the VPN connection, the client must have the following information: