User-Defined SMTP Server Lists

NOTE: You can modify, but not delete, the RBL User White List or the RBL User Black List.

The User Defined SMTP Server Lists section allows for Address Objects to be used to construct a white-list (explicit allow: RBL User White List) or black-list (explicit deny: RBL User Black List) of SMTP servers. Entries in these lists bypass the RBL querying procedure.

For example, to ensure that you always receive SMTP connections from a partner site's SMTP server:
On the Anti-Spam > RBL Filter page, scroll to the User-Defined SMTP Server Lists section.

Click the Add… button. The Add Address Object dialog displays.

From the Zone Assignment drop-down menu, select the server’s zone.
Select the type of host from the Type drop-down menu. The following setting(s) change, depending on the host type selected.
Host (default) – Enter the IP address in the IP Address field.
Range – Enter the starting and ending IP addresses in the Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address fields.

Network – Enter the:

Network in the Network field.
Netmask in the Netmask field.
MAC – Enter the:

If the host is a multi-homed hose, select the Multi-homed host checkbox. Otherwise, deselect the checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.
FQDN – Enter the FQDN hostname in the FQDN Hostname field.

Click the Edit icon in the Configure column of the RBL User White List. The Edit Address Object Group dialog displays.

Click the Right Arrow button.

To delete an address object from the group, select the address object and click the Left Arrow button.

Click OK. The table is updated, and that server is always allowed to make SMTP exchanges.