You enable NDPP by selecting the Enable NDPP Mode option on the System > Settings page. Once you do this, a popup window is displayed with the NDPP mode setting compliance checklist. The checklist displays every setting in your current SonicOS configuration that violates NDPP compliance, so that you can change these settings. You will need to navigate around the SonicOS management interface to make the changes. The checklist for an appliance with factory default settings is shown in the following procedure.
NOTE: The Enable NDPP Mode checkbox cannot be enabled at the same time as the Enable FIPS Mode checkbox, which is also on the System > Settings page.
1 Go to the Systems > Settings page.
2 Scroll to the bottom to the FIPS section.
3 Select the Enable NDPP Mode option. The NDPP Mode Verification window appears with a list of your required and not allowed configurations.
TIP: Leave the checklist window open while you make the configuration changes. If you click OK before all required changes are complete, the Enable NDPP Mode checkbox is cleared automatically upon closing the checklist window. Select the checkbox again to see what configuration changes are still needed for NDPP compliance.