Upgrading SonicWALL ViewPoint 6.0 to Analyzer 7.1
The Dell SonicWALL Analyzer cannot be directly upgraded from ViewPoint 6.0 to Analyzer 7.1, but it can be upgraded from Analyzer 7.0. To upgrade the Dell SonicWALL Analyzer from a version earlier than 7.0, you need to upgrade to major versions of Analyzer until you reach 7.0, then you can upgrade to 7.1. To upgrade major versions of SonicWALL Analyzer, use the Universal Management Suite installer and perform the following:
1. Log on to your SonicWALL Analyzer management computer as administrator (Windows). Launch the SonicWALL Universal Management Suite installer, by double-clicking the file sw_gmsvp_win_eng_x.x.xxxx.xxxx.exe (where “xxxx” represent the exact version numbers). It may take several seconds for the InstallAnywhere self-extractor to initialize.
2. In the Introduction screen, click Next.
3. In the License Agreement screen, select the radio button next to I accept the terms of the License Agreement. Click Next.
4. When the installer detects that a previous version of Analyzer/ViewPoint is currently installed on the system, a notification is displayed. Click Install to continue the upgrade.
5. The installer begins installing the files, using the existing installation folder, IP address to which Dell SonicWALL Services bind for capturing syslog and SNMP packets, and Web port settings.
6. The Installer displays the installation progress during the few minutes required. Upon completion, whether or not the system has Windows Firewall enabled, a dialog is displayed notifying you to either disable the firewall or manually open the syslog and SNMP ports, and to ensure that these ports are open on your network gateway or firewall. Click OK.
7. The Important Registration Information screen provides the URL for access to the SonicWALL Analyzer Universal Management Host system interface after upgrade completion, as well as information about registration.
The default URL for accessing the interface from the local system is:
The default credentials are:
User name – admin
Password – password
To register for a Dell SonicWALL Analyzer installation, enter the word Analyzer instead of a serial number when you register the product on MySonicWALL.
Click Next.
8. The final installer screen contains the path of the installation folder, and warns you that the Universal Management Suite Web page will be launched next. Click Done.
In the Dell SonicWALL Analyzer login page, enter the same credentials for User and Password that you had in your earlier version prior to the upgrade.
Upgrading from Analyzer to GMS
SonicWALL Analyzer installations have the option of upgrading to Dell SonicWALL GMS without reinstalling. You can start a 30-day Free Trial of Dell SonicWALL GMS by clicking a button or link in either the Analyzer or Universal Management Host interface and following a simple procedure. When you are ready to finalize the upgrade, your Dell SonicWALL reseller can provide you with the license key for a seamless transition to Dell SonicWALL GMS.
When five or more registered devices are connected to SonicWALL Analyzer reporting, the Try GMS Free - 30 Days button appears next to the tabs at the top of the Analyzer management interface.
You can also start the Free Trial by clicking Manage Licenses on the System > Licenses page of the Universal Management Host interface, and then clicking the Try link.
For details on enabling the Dell SonicWALL GMS Free Trial and purchasing the Dell SonicWALL GMS upgrade license, see the following sections:
Enabling the GMS Free Trial from Analyzer
When five or more devices are connected to SonicWALL Analyzer reporting, the Try GMS Free - 30 Days button appears next to the tabs at the top of the Analyzer management interface.
To find out how many devices your SonicWALL Analyzer installation is handling, log in to MySonicWALL and navigate to the My Products page. Click on the link for your SonicWALL Analyzer installation to get to the Service Management page, and scroll to the bottom. You will see the list of appliances under Associated Products.
To enable the 30-day Dell SonicWALL GMS Free Trial from the Analyzer management interface, perform the following steps:
1. In the Analyzer management interface, click the Try GMS Free - 30 Days button next to the tabs at the top of the page.
2. The Analyzer Upgrade Tool launches and guides you through the process of installing the Free Trial or Upgrade. The tool displays the Upgrade Requirements – Licensing screen. Before migrating to GMS, ensure that all appliances under Analyzer reporting are registered to the same MySonicWALL account. Follow the steps provided in the screen, and then click Proceed.
3. The Upgrade Requirements – System screen displays the recommended operating system, database, and hardware system requirements. Click Proceed.
4. The Analyzer Upgrade Tool displays the login screen for MySonicWALL. Enter your MySonicWALL credentials and click Submit.
5. In the next Analyzer Upgrade Tool page, click the Try link in the Free Trial column for Global Management System.
6. From this point, the upgrade process continues with the same steps for access from either the Analyzer interface or the Universal Management Host interface. To continue the procedure, perform the steps in the Completing the Free Trial Upgrade.
Enabling the GMS Free Trial from the UMH Interface
To enable the 30-day Free Trial of Dell SonicWALL GMS from the Universal Management Host interface on your SonicWALL Analyzer system, perform the following steps:
1. In the Universal Management Host interface, navigate to the System > Licenses page and click Manage Licenses.
2. If you are not already logged into MySonicWALL, the MySonicWALL login screen is displayed. Enter your MySonicWALL credentials in the appropriate fields and log in.
3. On the next page, click the Try link in the Free Trial column for Global Management System.
4. From this point, the upgrade process continues with the same steps for access from either the Analyzer interface or the Universal Management Host interface. To continue the procedure, perform the steps in the Completing the Free Trial Upgrade.
Completing the Free Trial Upgrade
This procedure provides the common upgrading steps for access from either the SSonicWALL Analyzer interface or the Universal Management Host interface. To get to this point in the process, follow the steps described in one of the two preceding sections:
To continue the upgrade, perform the following steps:
1. In the Analyzer Upgrade Tool page, click the Continue button.
2. The next screen provides a summary of GMS and Analyzer status. Verify that the Try link for the Free Trial is gone and only the Upgrade link remains. The Expiration column displays the expiration date of your Free Trial. You can click the Upgrade link at any time during the Free Trial to purchase the Dell SonicWALL GMS upgrade. Click Proceed.
3. In the next Analyzer Upgrade Tool page, you begin the configuration for GMS in step 2 of the upgrade process. This page displays two sections:
Automatic Configuration – Contains a list of Dell SonicWALL firewall or CSM appliances in your Analyzer installation. These appliances will be automatically configured for GMS management.
Manual Configuration – Contains a list of Dell SonicWALL Aventail, SSL-VPN, or CDP appliances in your Analyzer installation. You must manually configure these appliances for GMS management. See the Configuring Appliances for GMS Management for detailed instructions on enabling GMS management on these appliances.
When ready, click Proceed.
4. When the configuration finishes, the Analyzer Upgrade Tool displays the completion dialog box. Click Close to log out of the console and restart the system.
5. The GMS login page appears and requests that you reboot the system. Reboot the system. If a reboot is not performed, you may encounter problems with the correct IP Address appearing.
6. After rebooting, log in with your Analyzer credentials.
When you log in, you will see a button displaying the number of days left in your Free Trial at the top of the page.
7. On the System > Status page for connected appliances, you can view the log entries for task synchronization and automatic addressing mode, related to the GMS configuration.
Configuring Appliances for GMS Management
To manually configure the appliances listed in the Manual Configuration section of the Analyzer Upgrade Tool page (see Step 3. on In the next Analyzer Upgrade Tool page, you begin the configuration for GMS in step 2 of the upgrade process. This page displays two sections:), perform the following steps for each appliance:
1. In the GMS management interface, click the tab at the top of the page that corresponds to the type of appliance, such as SSL-VPN or CDP.
2. In the left pane, right-click one of the listed appliances and select Modify Unit.
3. In the Modify Unit screen in the right pane, copy the appliance IP address in the Managed Address section to your clipboard, or make a note of it.
4. Click Cancel.
5. In the left pane, right-click the same appliance and select Login to Unit > Using HTTPS.
6. In the appliance management interface, navigate to the System > Administration page.
7. Under GMS Settings, select the Enable GMS Management checkbox, or verify that it is selected.
8. In the GMS Host Name or IP Address field, paste or type the appliance IP address that you obtained from the Modify Unit screen in Step 3.
9. Click the Accept button at the top of the appliance interface screen.
10.Click the Logout button in the top right corner of the appliance interface screen.
11.Repeat these steps for each appliance listed in the Manual Configuration section of the Analyzer Upgrade Tool page.
Purchasing a SonicWALL GMS Upgrade
You can purchase an upgrade to Dell SonicWALL GMS at any time during the 30-day Free Trial.
To purchase the SonicWALL GMS license, perform the following steps:
1. In the GMS interface, click the GMS Free Trial X Days Left button, where X is the number of days left in the Free Trial.
2. In the Buy GMS page, click I want to upgrade to GMS now.
3. The Console > Licenses > Product Licenses page is displayed. Click Manage Licenses.
4. In the next page, in the Manage Service column for Global Management System, click the Upgrade link.
5. The next page has Serial Number and Authentication Code fields for GMS. You must contact your Dell SonicWALL reseller to complete the purchase and obtain the 12-character serial number and authentication code. Type in the values to the Serial Number and Authentication Code fields.
6. Enter a descriptive name for the GMS installation into the Friendly Name field. This name will appear in your MySonicWALL account.
7. If your Analyzer installation currently handles more than 10 appliances, when you upgrade to GMS you will need to purchase additional GMS license(s) to manage the extra appliances. The standard “10-node” GMS license provided with the Free Trial supports up to 10 managed appliances. Enter the license keys for any additional GMS licenses into the GMS upgrade keys text box, one key per line.
8. Click Submit. The License page is displayed, showing that GMS is now licensed.
Miscellaneous Procedures and Tips
This section contains miscellaneous Global Management System procedures and troubleshooting tips.
This section contains information on procedures that you may need to perform. Select from the following:
Backing up SonicWALL Analyzer Data
SonicWALL Analyzer stores its configuration data in the SGMSDB database. It is important to back up this database and the individual SonicWALL Analyzer databases (sgmsvp_yyyy_mm_dd) on a regular basis.
The Console > Management > Database Maintenance page provides the necessary support for backing up and restoring the MySQL database that is bundled with SonicWALL UMS.
If you are using SQL Server, this can be accomplished by backing up the entire SQL Server using the database backup tool. When using this tool, there is no need to stop the SonicWALL Analyzer services for database backup. However, make sure that the backup occurs when SonicWALL Analyzer activity is the lowest and that the backup operation schedule does not clash with the SonicWALL Analyzer scheduler.
Note: It is also recommended to regularly back up the entire contents of the SonicWALL Analyzer directory, the sgmsConfig.xml file.
Changing the SQL Server Authentication Mode
SonicWALL Analyzer requires the Mixed Mode authentication mode. To change the authentication mode from Windows Mode to Mixed Mode, follow these steps:
1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
2. Right-click the appropriate SQL Server Group and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Click the Security tab.
4. Change the Authentication mode from Windows only to SQL Server and Windows.
5. Click OK.
Reinstalling SonicWALL Analyzer Using an Existing Database
If you need to reinstall SonicWALL Analyzer, but want to preserve the settings in an existing SonicWALL Analyzer database, follow these steps:
1. Install a new database, using the same username and password that you used for the existing SonicWALL Analyzer database.
2. Install SonicWALL Analyzer using this new database.
3. Stop all SonicWALL Analyzer services.
4. Open the sgmsConfig.xml and web.xml files with a text editor. Change the values for the dbhost and dburl parameters to match the existing SonicWALL Analyzer database.
5. Restart the SonicWALL Analyzer services.
6. Uninstall the new database.
Uninstalling SonicWALL Universal Management Suite and Its Database
This section describes how to uninstall SonicWALL Universal Management Suite and its components. Select from the following:
To uninstall SonicWALL Universal Management Suite from a Windows system, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs Properties window displays.
3. Select SonicWALL Universal Management Suite and click Change/Remove. The SonicWALL Universal Management Suite Uninstall program starts.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts.
5. Restart the system. SonicWALL Universal Management Suite is uninstalled.
To uninstall or remove the SonicWALL Universal Management Suite databases in the MS SQL Server 2000, you can execute the following DOS command from any SonicWALL Universal Management Suite server:
osql -U username -P password -S dbHost_IP -q "drop database SGMSDB"
osql -U username -P password -S dbHost_IP -q "drop database sgmsvp_yyyy_mm_dd"
Or you can use the MS SQL Server's Enterprise Manager and delete the SGMSDB and sgmsvp_ databases.