
Security Services > Anti-Spyware Service

SonicWALL Anti-Spyware is part of the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Virus and Intrusion Prevention Service solution that provides comprehensive, real-time protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, and software vulnerabilities.

The SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Service protects networks from intrusive spyware by cutting off spyware installations and delivery at the gateway and denying previously installed spyware from communicating collected information outbound. SonicWALL Anti-Spyware works with other anti-spyware program, such as programs that remove existing spyware applications from hosts. You are encouraged to use or install host-based anti-spyware software as an added measure of defense against spyware.

SonicWALL Anti-Spyware analyzes inbound connections for the most common method of spyware delivery, ActiveX-based component installations. It also examines inbound setup executables and cabinet files crossing the gateway, and resets the connections that are streaming spyware setup files to the LAN. These file packages may be freeware bundled with adware, keyloggers, or other spyware. If spyware has been installed on a LAN workstation prior to the SonicWALL Anti-Spyware solution install, the service will examine outbound traffic for streams originating at spyware infected clients and reset those connections. For example, when spyware has been profiling a user's browsing habits and attempts to send the profile information home, the SonicWALL security appliance identifies that traffic and resets the connection.

The SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Service provides the following protection:

Blocks spyware delivered through auto-installed ActiveX components, the most common vehicle for distributing malicious spyware programs.
Scans and logs spyware threats that are transmitted through the network and alerts administrators when new spyware is detected and/or blocked.
Stops existing spyware programs from communicating in the background with hackers and servers on the Internet, preventing the transfer of confidential information.
Provides granular control over networked applications by enabling administrators to selectively permit or deny the installation of spyware programs.
Prevents e-mailed spyware threats by scanning and then blocking infected e-mails transmitted either through SMTP, IMAP or Web-based e-mail.
Refer to the SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Administrator’s Guide on the SonicWALL Web site: for complete product documentation.

SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and IPS Activation

If you do not have SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service installed on your SonicWALL security appliance, the Security Services > Anti- Spyware page indicates an upgrade is required and includes a link to activate it from your SonicWALL security appliance management interface.

Because SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service is part of the unified SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service, you will have a single License Key to activate all three services on your SonicWALL security appliance.

You must activate the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service license from the Security Services > Intrusion Prevention page first. Once you have activated Intrusion Prevention Service, you can then activate SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus and SonicWALL Anti-Spyware.

To activate a SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anit-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service on your SonicWALL security appliance, you need the following:

SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service license . You need to purchase a SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service license from a SonicWALL reseller or through your account (limited to customers in the USA and Canada). account . Creating a account is fast, simple, and FREE. Simply complete an online registration form from your SonicWALL security appliance management interface. Your account is also accessible at from any Internet connection with a Web browser.
Registered SonicWALL security appliance with active Internet connection . Registering your SonicWALL security appliance is a simple procedure done directly from the management interface.
SonicOS Enhanced 5.0 or newer . Your SonicWALL security appliance must be running SonicOS Enhanced 5.0 or newer for SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service.
If your SonicWALL security appliance is connected to the Internet and registered at, you can activate a 30-day FREE TRIAL of SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, SonicWALL Anti-Spyware, and SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service separately from the Security Services > Gateway Anti-Virus , Security Services > Anti-Spyware , and Security Services > Intrusion Prevention pages in the management interface.
Administrator Guides for SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, SonicWALL Anti-Spyware, and SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service are available on the SonicWALL documentation Web site:

Creating a Account

Creating a account is fast, simple, and FREE. Simply complete an online registration form in the SonicWALL security appliance management interface.

If you already have a account, go to Registering Your SonicWALL Security Appliance .
Step 1
Log into the SonicWALL security appliance management interface.
Step 2
If the System > Status page is not displayed in the management interface, click System in the left-navigation menu, and then click Status .
Step 3
On the System > Status page, in the Security Services section, click the Register link in Your SonicWALL is not registered. Click here to Register your SonicWALL .
Step 4
In the Login page, click the here link in If you do not have a mysonicwall account, please click here to create one .
Step 5
In the MySonicWall Account page, enter in your information in the Account Information , Personal Information and Preferences fields. All fields marked with an asterisk (* ) are required fields.
Remember your username and password to access your account.
Step 6
Click Submit after completing the MySonicWALL Account form.
Step 7
When the server has finished processing your account, you will see a page saying that your account has been created. Click Continue .

Congratulations . Your account is activated.

Now you need to log into to register your SonicWALL security appliance.

Note registration information is not sold or shared with any other company.

Registering Your SonicWALL Security Appliance

Step 1
Log into the SonicWALL security appliance management interface.
Step 2
If the System > Status page is not displaying in the management interface, click System in the left-navigation menu, and then click Status .
Step 3
On the System > Status page, in the Security Services section, click the Register link. The Login page is displayed.
Step 4
Enter your account username and password in the User Name and Password fields, then click Submit.
Step 5
The next several pages inform you about the free trials available to you for SonicWALL’s Security Services:
Gateway Anti-Virus - Delivers real-time virus protection for your entire network.
Client Anti-Virus - Provides desktop and server anti-virus protection with software running on each computer.
Premium Content Filtering Service - Enhances productivity by limiting access to objectionable Web content.
Intrusion Prevention Service - Protects your network against worms, Trojans, and application layer attacks.
Anti-Spyware - Protects your network from malicious spyware by blocking spyware installations at the gateway and disrupts.

Click Continue on each page.

Clicking on the Continue button does not activate the FREE TRIAL versions of these SonicWALL Security Services.
Step 6
At the top of the Product Survey page, Enter a “friendly name” for your SonicWALL content security appliance in the Friendly Name field. The friendly name allows you to easily identify your SonicWALL content security appliance in your account.
Step 7
Please complete the Product Survey. SonicWALL uses this information to further tailor services to fit your needs.
Step 8
Click Submit .
Step 9
When the server has finished processing your registration, a page is displayed informing you that the SonicWALL security appliance is registered. Click Continue , and the System > Licenses page is displayed showing you the available services. You can activate the service from this page or the specific service page under the Security Services left-navigation menu in the management interface.

Activating FREE TRIALs

You can try FREE TRIAL versions of SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, SonicWALL Anti- Spyware, and SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service. You must activate each service separately from the Manage Services Online table on the System > Licenses page or by clicking the FREE TRIAL link on the respective Security Services page (i.e. Security Services > Gateway Anti-Virus ).

To try a FREE TRIAL of SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, SonicWALL Anti-Spyware, or SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service, perform these steps:

Step 1
Click the FREE TRIAL link on the Security Services > Gateway Anti-Virus,
Security Services > Anti-Spyware , or Security Services > Intrusion Prevention page. The Login page is displayed.
Step 2
Enter your account username and password in the User Name and Password fields, then click Submit . If your SonicWALL security appliance is already connected to your account, the System > Licenses page appears after you click the FREE TRIAL link.
Step 3
Click Try in the FREE TRIAL column in the Manage Services Online table. The service is enabled on your security appliance.

Activating the Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and IPS License

Because SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service is part of SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service. The Activation Key you receive is for all three services on your SonicWALL security appliance.

If you do not have a SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service. license activated on your SonicWALL security appliance, you must purchase it from a SonicWALL reseller or through your account (limited to customers in the USA and Canada).

If you have an Activation Key for SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service, perform these steps to activate the combined services:

Step 1
On the Security Services > Intrusion Prevention page, click the SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service Subscription link. The Login page is displayed.
Step 2
Enter your account username and password in the User Name and Password fields, then click Submit . If your SonicWALL security appliance is already registered to your account, the System > Licenses page appears.
Step 3
Click Activate or Renew in the Manage Service column in the Manage Services Online table.
Step 4
Type in the Activation Key in the New License Key field and click Submit . SonicWALL Intrusion Prevention Service is activated. The System > Licenses page is displayed with the Anti-Spyware and Gateway Anti-Virus links displayed at the bottom of the Manage Services Online table with the child Activation Keys.
Step 5
Click on the Gateway Anti-Virus link. The child Activation Key is automatically entered in the New License Key field. The child Activation Key is a different key than the parent key for the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service.
Step 6
Click Submit . If you have activated a FREE TRIAL version or are renewing a license, the renew screen is displayed that shows the expiration date of the current license and the expiration date of the updated license. Click Renew .

Congratulations! You have activated the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service.

If you activate the SonicWALL Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Intrusion Prevention Service subscription on, the activation is automatically enabled on your SonicWALL security appliance within 24-hours or you can click the Synchronize button on the
Security Services > Summary page to immediately update your SonicWALL security appliance.

Setting Up SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Service Protection

After activating SonicWALL Anti-Spyware, the Security Services > Anti-Spyware page displays the configuration settings for managing the service on your SonicWALL security appliance.

Refer to the SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Administrator’s Guide on the SonicWALL Web site: for complete configuration instructions.

Applying SonicWALL Anti-Spyware Protection on Zones

If your SonicWALL security appliance is running SonicOS Enhanced, you can apply SonicWALL Anti-Spyware to zones on the Network > Zones page to enforce SonicWALL Anti-Spyware not only between each network zone and the WAN, but also between internal zones. For example, enabling SonicWALL Anti-Spyware on the LAN zone enforces SonicWALL Anti-Spyware on all incoming and outgoing LAN traffic.

In the Anti-Spyware Status section of the Security Services> Anti-Spyware Service page, click the Network > Zones link to access the Network > Zones page. You apply SonicWALL Anti-Spyware to a zone listed on the Network > Zones page.

To enable SonicWALL on a zone, perform these steps:

Step 1
In the SonicWALL security appliance management interface, select Network > Zones . (Or from the Anti-Spyware Status section, on the Security Services > Intrusion Prevention page, click the Network > Zones link.) The Network > Zones page is displayed.
Step 2
In the Configure column in the Zone Settings table, click the edit icon for the zone you want to apply SonicWALL Anti-Spyware. The Edit Zone window is displayed.
Step 3
Click the Enable Anti-Spyware checkbox. A checkmark appears. To disable SonicWALL Anti-Spyware, uncheck the box.
Step 4
Click OK .

You can also enable SonicWALL Anti-Spyware protection for new zones you create on the Network > Zones page. Clicking the Add button displays the Add Zone window, which includes the same settings as the Edit Zone window.