

Load Balancing Members and Groups

LB Members added to a LB Group take on certain “roles.” A member can only work in one of the following roles:

Each member in a group has a rank. Members are displayed in descending order of rank. The rank is determined by the order of interfaces as they appear in the Member List for the group. The order is important in determining the usage preferences of the Interfaces, as well as the level of precedence within the group. Thus, no two interfaces within a group will have the same or equal rank; each Interface will have a distinct rank.

General Tab

To configure the Group Member Rank settings, click the Configure icon of the Group you wish to configure on the Network > Failover & LB page. The General tab screen displays.

The General tab allows the user to do modify the following settings:

Note: The Interface Rank does not specify the operation that will be performed on the individual member. The operation that will be performed is specified by the Group Type.

Probing Tab

When Logical probing is enabled, test packets can be sent to remote probe targets to verify WAN path availability. A new option has been provided to allow probing through the additional WAN interfaces: Alternate WAN #3 and Alternate WAN #4.

Note: VLANs for alternate WANs do not support QoS or VPN termination.

To configure the probing options for a specific Group, click the Configure icon of the Group you wish to configure on the Network > Failover & LB page. Then, click the Probing tab.

The Probing tab allows the user to modify the following settings:

Load Balancing Statistics

The Load Balancing Statistics table displays the following LB group statistics for the SonicWALL:

In the Display Statistics for pulldown menu, select which LB group you want to view statistics for.

Click the Clear Statistic button on the bottom right of the Network > Failover & LB page to clear information from the Load Balancing Statistics table.