Manual Configuration Procedure

You can configure Application Firewall without using the wizard. When configuring manually, you must remember to configure all components, including application objects, actions, email user objects if required, and finally, a policy that references them. The following sections describe how to configure Application Firewall:

Configuring Application Objects

This section describes how to manually create an application object. For detailed information about application object types, see “Application Objects” .

Step 1
In the navigation pane on the left side, click Application Firewall , and then click Application Objects .
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Select an Application Object Type from the drop-down list. Your selection here will affect available options in the dialog box. See “Application Objects” for a description of application object types.
Step 5
Step 6
For the Input Representation, click Alphanumeric for a text pattern to match, or click Hexadecimal if you want to match binary content.
Step 7
In the Content text box, type the pattern to match, and then click Add . The content appears in the List text box. Repeat to add another element to match.

Alternatively, you can click Load From File to import a list of elements from a text file. Each element in the file must be on a line by itself.

Step 8
Click OK .