When you have created an application object, and optionally, an action or an email user object, you are ready to create a policy that uses them. For information about configuring these, see the following sections:
For information about policies and policy types, see “Policies” .
Step 1
In the navigation pane on the left side, click
Application Firewall
, and then click Policies
Step 2
In the Application Firewall Global Settings screen, click
Add New Policy
Step 3
Step 4
Select a Policy Type from the drop-down list. Your selection here will affect available options
in the dialog box. For information about available policy types, see “Policies”
Step 5
Select a source and destination address from the Address drop-down lists, and select the
source or destination service. Some policy types do not provide a choice of service.
Step 6
For Exclusion Address, optionally select an address from the drop-down list. This address will
not be affected by the policy.
Step 7
For Application Object, select an application object from the drop-down list. The list contains
the defined application objects that are applicable to the policy type.
Step 8
For Action, select an action from the drop-down list. The list contains actions that are applicable
to the policy type, and can include the four predefined actions, plus any customized actions.
Step 9
For Users/Groups, select from the drop-down lists for both Included and Excluded. The
selected users or group under Excluded will not be affected by the policy.
Step 10
If the policy type is SMTP, select from the drop-down lists for Mail From and Rcpt To, for both
Included and Excluded. The selected users or group under Excluded will not be affected by the policy.
Step 11
For Schedule, select from the drop-down list. A variety of schedules for the policy to be in effect
is available in the list.
Step 12
Step 13
For Log Redundancy Filter, you can either select
Global Settings
to use the global value set on the Application Firewall > Policies page, or you can enter a number of seconds to delay between each log entry for this policy. The local setting overrides the global setting only for this policy; other policies are not affected.
Step 14
Step 15
For Direction, click either
or Advanced
. Basic allows you to select incoming, outgoing, or both. Advanced allows you to select between zones, such as LAN to WAN.
Step 16